
Extreme high followed by extreme low

I recently quit my job after dealing with a lot of b.s. for the past 10 years. It was one of those situations where they would constantly dump more responsibilities on me without any kind of raise. It's a small company so they would run a skeleton crew but try to compete with the big boys on productivity. Eventually it got to the point where I was doing 3 peoples jobs and they relied on me too much. They were extremely picky people and impossible to please. I finally blew up and told them I'd been miserable there for years and I couldn't take it anymore. I found a new job that day with higher pay and less responsibilities. The atmosphere is so much more relaxed, I felt like I could finally breath. After I quit, the person below me quit when they tried moving some of my responsibilities to…

I recently quit my job after dealing with a lot of b.s. for the past 10 years. It was one of those situations where they would constantly dump more responsibilities on me without any kind of raise. It's a small company so they would run a skeleton crew but try to compete with the big boys on productivity. Eventually it got to the point where I was doing 3 peoples jobs and they relied on me too much. They were extremely picky people and impossible to please. I finally blew up and told them I'd been miserable there for years and I couldn't take it anymore. I found a new job that day with higher pay and less responsibilities. The atmosphere is so much more relaxed, I felt like I could finally breath.

After I quit, the person below me quit when they tried moving some of my responsibilities to him. They tried hiring 3 unexperienced guys after that. All 3 quit. They are losing money like crazy and I can't help but feel justified.

Now for the extreme low. They are doing so bad that my old manager that was payed by commission and worked for said company 20 yrs, is having to quit due to not bringing in the money he had come accustomed too. Guess where he's going… yep, my new company. The owner of my new job swears he's not going to be incharge of me, and is very satisfied with what I'm doing, but I can't help but think my old boss who is very manipulative is going to show up and just expect me to make him his paycheck. I was so relieved to finally escape that place and those people just for it to follow me out the door. Time will tell I guess.

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