
so my boss gave me his personal cell phone number….today he was the bugged biggest POS

So, I want to clarify i work inn a kitchen. I'm a line cook. I do the most work, I'm the fastest cook and I help everybody when I can. I've nothing but nice to him since I started the job. He was such an unbelievable ass today though and completely unprofessional. My question is…should I put his name and cell number in just the men's restrooms for a good time or should I put it in the ladies as well?

So, I want to clarify i work inn a kitchen. I'm a line cook. I do the most work, I'm the fastest cook and I help everybody when I can. I've nothing but nice to him since I started the job. He was such an unbelievable ass today though and completely unprofessional. My question is…should I put his name and cell number in just the men's restrooms for a good time or should I put it in the ladies as well?

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