
HR says confederate flags aren’t racist.

Worked at a large west coast casino resort as a sous chef for a little over two years and the executive chef relied on me to do every goddamn thing. Despite the relative low pay and horrible roach infestation, the place did allow me relative autonomy where my hours, recipes, etc. were concerned and as such wasn't the worst job ever, until they hired a young line cook with a giant confederate tattooed proximately on his for arm. When I was like wtf to the executive chef he just shrugged like he didn't know why the culinary department and HR would be okay with it. Now, I'm not the thought police, but where I grew up racists kept their bullshit to themselves. The first time I crossed paths with this little shit I dutifully threatened his existence, expecting a like response from some one so bold as to fly such…

Worked at a large west coast casino resort as a sous chef for a little over two years and the executive chef relied on me to do every goddamn thing. Despite the relative low pay and horrible roach infestation, the place did allow me relative autonomy where my hours, recipes, etc. were concerned and as such wasn't the worst job ever, until they hired a young line cook with a giant confederate tattooed proximately on his for arm. When I was like wtf to the executive chef he just shrugged like he didn't know why the culinary department and HR would be okay with it. Now, I'm not the thought police, but where I grew up racists kept their bullshit to themselves. The first time I crossed paths with this little shit I dutifully threatened his existence, expecting a like response from some one so bold as to fly such a flag openly. Instead, in an act of sheer spinelessness, this young race fan ran to HR and tattled. When HR and my cowardly chef called me in I asked why they'd hire someone blatantly flying a racist flag associated with slavery murder hate and terror, and why they wouldn't at least make him cover it while at work? To which they replied that confederate flags aren't racist, it was just part of his southern heritage, and that it didn't matter who it offended. I was shocked. There's no way that was this multi million dollar corporations official policy, but according to HR, that's their stance. Rather than quietly accepting the eminent disciplinary action, I explained to them that I grew up in the Bay Area and punching racists was my heritage, an that I would never work for a company that had those policies. I then prominently displayed both middle fingers walked out of the office, down to the kitchen, gathered my shit and walked out. Fuck racists and their lackies.

Edit: Readers seem to be focusing on the “threatened his life” part here, I meant that metaphorically, I more or less was like 'what the fuck is your problem' I didn't literally threaten to kill anyone!

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