
Found out today that I was the only person at my small company to not receive a COL increase.

As the title states, I just found out I was the only person in my small company to not be given a 5% cost of living increase. I’m privy to this info as a company admin and came across it while trying to administer benefits in our payroll software. There was one other employee that didn’t get the COL increase but instead received a 10% salary increase. My original thought was maybe I got skipped due to a decent pay increase I received last September, but nope. The other person they skipped the COL increase in lieu of a bump in overall salary also got the same pay raise as me but theirs was in Nov – two months after mine! Although I truly enjoy working with my direct boss, I had already been contemplating leaving due to an insane increase in my responsibilities and workload. I’m now doing not…

As the title states, I just found out I was the only person in my small company to not be given a 5% cost of living increase. I’m privy to this info as a company admin and came across it while trying to administer benefits in our payroll software. There was one other employee that didn’t get the COL increase but instead received a 10% salary increase.

My original thought was maybe I got skipped due to a decent pay increase I received last September, but nope. The other person they skipped the COL increase in lieu of a bump in overall salary also got the same pay raise as me but theirs was in Nov – two months after mine!

Although I truly enjoy working with my direct boss, I had already been contemplating leaving due to an insane increase in my responsibilities and workload. I’m now doing not only the position I was hired for but have been asked to take on hiring/benefits and just about anything else you can think of. All things that I hate doing, I wouldn’t have accepted the role had I known they’d push me into it. All of this extra effort and energy spent only to find out I’m not deserving of a monetary benefit the rest of the company is receiving.

Feels like I just got punched right square in the teeth. I’m quitting.

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