
Quit my part time job today!

So for context I’ve been struggling to get my own auto repair shop running full force. Meaning I don’t have enough clients coming in at the moment like I would like to come in but that’s a good thing in a way to in my line of work but it will make sense later. Any who so I’ve had some down time and thought I would get a part time job but I really didn’t look for one ether. One day I get a email on indeed from a company we will call w they where looking for a dismantler for crushing junk cars at $14 an hr now some may say that it’s good pay for what I was doing but no it’s not shit sucks just all around can be a very dirty job an gross as Fuck too but that’s something else. So I call them up…

So for context I’ve been struggling to get my own auto repair shop running full force. Meaning I don’t have enough clients coming in at the moment like I would like to come in but that’s a good thing in a way to in my line of work but it will make sense later. Any who so I’ve had some down time and thought I would get a part time job but I really didn’t look for one ether. One day I get a email on indeed from a company we will call w they where looking for a dismantler for crushing junk cars at $14 an hr now some may say that it’s good pay for what I was doing but no it’s not shit sucks just all around can be a very dirty job an gross as Fuck too but that’s something else. So I call them up ask about the job and the owner and I chatted found out I’m a mechanic and tried to get me to work for him as a technician. I told them no as I’m just looking for a part time job and really don’t want to lose focuse on my shop that’s growing. Now I should have seen the red flag when there was so much backlash over me saying this to them but in turn it was a understanding I was to help them in need not a guy who really needed to be there. But non the less I was doing nothing on off days with. My shop I said fuck it why not. Going in the owners sons where saying no one wants to work and people always leave and thought we’ll not many people can’t do the job. And learned that it’s not the job that’s the problem. Job I would say was fun sucked at times but fun. So I called off one day cuz I had a problem with a supply chain issue with a motor job and was forced to rebuild the motor I have for that job with the one that’s in it. Old 7.5 hardly any parts for them any more. So I found my self needing to pull the motor out the truck and do a tear down in the most fastest way possible so I called off told them I needed to stay home which was true. I’m a way got that problem worked out went in for work at w I go in there not ready for me to be there no work for me made me tear down tires. I think the manager thought it would take me a really long time but I think was like three sets of tires down maybe 45 mins tops. So they where forced to get me a job to start the dismantling. Que owners son. Goes alittle like this!

Son: so i believe they have you set up to do three of these a day.

Me: well I mean as fast as I can work in. The Florida weather is the fastest I can do the job. Im not looking to rush to finish jobs.

Son: well here we have expectations. And I expect you get more than three vehicles done today. An if you don’t like that you can pack your tools and shit and go the fuck home!

Me: well ok that’s not a problem buddy! Hell matter of fact can I get my paycheck already and the money for todays work!

Son: yup you sure fucking can. Pack up and get the fuck out of here!

So I packed my tools get them in my truck and he gives me my paycheck and todays pay.

Son: go be a bum at home doing nothing.

Me: you know honestly there’s no need to think u can talk to me like I’m your son I’m a grown man and I don’t need to be here. I chose to help you guys out. You can’t talk to people the way you do and expect them to want to stay. Good luck to u

Went home been in bed all day smoking up eatting snacks with food and wine on the way from the wife im enjoying my self today!

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