
Make your job easier by automating it. Don’t tell the boss lol

At my job I automate so many thing to the point I was one of the highest person with numbers. Plus I didn't have to work that hard to get there by automating stuff like Outlook Excel Data formatting Sending data between two programs with out the need to copy paste any more AHK is the preferred method but python is good if you are into coding if don't want to reallly get crazy with learn basic coding can always use a macro record like these windows recorder = mac recorder = This record your move and key presses and anything really then you can repeat them over and over. Learn to do the coding way will give you move features tho. Hope this helps make life easier at work!

At my job I automate so many thing to the point I was one of the highest person with numbers. Plus I didn't have to work that hard to get there by automating stuff like



Data formatting

Sending data between two programs with out the need to copy paste any more

AHK is the preferred method but python is good if you are into coding

if don't want to reallly get crazy with learn basic coding can always use a macro record like these

windows recorder =

mac recorder =

This record your move and key presses and anything really then you can repeat them over and over. Learn to do the coding way will give you move features tho.

Hope this helps make life easier at work!

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