
Thanks to all of you I start my new life Monday

I started reading this feed around 3months ago and thanks to all of the posts on here realised I deserved better. So I'm from England and have been working for a large leisure centre provider as an Assistant Manager for the last 7/8years progressed from a lifeguard through the ranks. In the last 2/3years the centre lost its Centre Manager and I have been expected to cover that role and my own but of course stay on the same salary. I had multiple conversations with upper management requesting changes to no avail. I know I should have looked at other options much sooner but this centre was in my local town and I knew it would collapse without me so I tried to get it to a safe position that I could leave and it not be too negatively impacted. I was working 50hr plus weeks working 5/6days a week…

I started reading this feed around 3months ago and thanks to all of the posts on here realised I deserved better.

So I'm from England and have been working for a large leisure centre provider as an Assistant Manager for the last 7/8years progressed from a lifeguard through the ranks. In the last 2/3years the centre lost its Centre Manager and I have been expected to cover that role and my own but of course stay on the same salary. I had multiple conversations with upper management requesting changes to no avail.
I know I should have looked at other options much sooner but this centre was in my local town and I knew it would collapse without me so I tried to get it to a safe position that I could leave and it not be too negatively impacted. I was working 50hr plus weeks working 5/6days a week when I was only contracted to 37hrs.
I finally took the leap a few weeks back thanks to reading posts on this feed and being motivated to change my life for the better. I applied for another position which is a 6k pay rise only 3 12hrs shifts a week and start my new life on Monday. I really couldn't be happier.

Thanks so much to all of you it would have dragged on and on without r/antiwork

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