
Question about reimbursement

My boss has a requirement that if you call out sick for any reason you have to have a doctor's note. It says nothing in the employee handbook about needing to have one for one day, only mentioning extended periods of time. I'm not a big fan of the policy cause we see people from all walks of life at my job, from the young to the elderly and a lot of them will come in sick. The only two realistic options for us are the ER, which costs thousands of dollars, or a clinic down the road that charges $200 to be seen. If I were to call out sick for one day, bring in a doctor's note, and a receipt could I push for reimbursement since my boss is making it a requirement for continued employment and expecting us to pay out of pocket? I want to start…

My boss has a requirement that if you call out sick for any reason you have to have a doctor's note. It says nothing in the employee handbook about needing to have one for one day, only mentioning extended periods of time.

I'm not a big fan of the policy cause we see people from all walks of life at my job, from the young to the elderly and a lot of them will come in sick. The only two realistic options for us are the ER, which costs thousands of dollars, or a clinic down the road that charges $200 to be seen. If I were to call out sick for one day, bring in a doctor's note, and a receipt could I push for reimbursement since my boss is making it a requirement for continued employment and expecting us to pay out of pocket?

I want to start pushing back against stupid policies like this, and a few of us have been openly grumbling about seeing about unions which already has our district manager on edge and cagey. I figure this could be a possible way to help push for change if they see making us do stupid policies will directly impact the companies pockets.

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