
Employers, are you watching this? (Rant)

tl;dr I’m an employer who despises these jerks y’all work for. I’m on your side. Thank you for this subreddit. I’m an employer and I appreciate the candor with which everyone posts about these terrible experiences. It helps me to be a better boss (I hope!!) Second, it’s interesting to me how much of the crap that’s exposed is from text messages. I can’t imagine having important work conversations in that impersonal way. These managers that want to talk about teamwork need to do that in person or Zoom at a minimum. Third — fellow employers — I hope like hell that you follow this subreddit because you could learn a lot about how NOT to run a business. Don’t treat your “team” like servants then expect them to have undying loyalty. Don’t use military jargon in non military places — it’s stolen valor. And yes, you have to adapt…

tl;dr I’m an employer who despises these jerks y’all work for. I’m on your side.

Thank you for this subreddit. I’m an employer and I appreciate the candor with which everyone posts about these terrible experiences. It helps me to be a better boss (I hope!!)

Second, it’s interesting to me how much of the crap that’s exposed is from text messages. I can’t imagine having important work conversations in that impersonal way. These managers that want to talk about teamwork need to do that in person or Zoom at a minimum.

Third — fellow employers — I hope like hell that you follow this subreddit because you could learn a lot about how NOT to run a business. Don’t treat your “team” like servants then expect them to have undying loyalty. Don’t use military jargon in non military places — it’s stolen valor. And yes, you have to adapt to improve your margins. You can do that by involving your team to find new and creative income streams. Pickpockets are criminals and stealing your team’s time, money and morale is a loser move.

I’ve been that stressed out manager, I get it. But grow up and if YOUR boss does this stuff then as they say, “the fish stinks from the head down.”

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