
Rant of the day.

Today I feel the need to rant. I'm not going to name the charity in question, however as my wife is currently in tears I need to rant somewhere. For the past 7 years my wife has been giving up her time for free to work with a charity as a fully qualified counsellor, now we don't earn a vast amount of money between us and it's certainly been getting far tighter over the past year with the prices of everything going through the roof. People that use this charity for their needs get free counselling from this charity with almost unlimited sessions, which is fantastic for them, however as you can imagine it can be difficult to fit around other people, they expect you to be able to drop what you are doing to accommodate clients, which can be outside working hours (my wife has been working up to…

Today I feel the need to rant. I'm not going to name the charity in question, however as my wife is currently in tears I need to rant somewhere.

For the past 7 years my wife has been giving up her time for free to work with a charity as a fully qualified counsellor, now we don't earn a vast amount of money between us and it's certainly been getting far tighter over the past year with the prices of everything going through the roof.

People that use this charity for their needs get free counselling from this charity with almost unlimited sessions, which is fantastic for them, however as you can imagine it can be difficult to fit around other people, they expect you to be able to drop what you are doing to accommodate clients, which can be outside working hours (my wife has been working up to 10pm at some points).

Her latest client decided that my wife wasn't flexible enough for them and has put in a formal complaint to the charity complaining that it's just not good enough, which in turn the service has decided to end my wife's service of 7 years as evidentially she should be able to put the time she donates free before her paid job.

So, to sum up. My wife has given 1000's of hours of her time away for free, only to be told it's not good enough and her services will no longer be required.

Rant over

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