
60 day pip slowly turned to 6 months

Not sure if this is the right place to post so I apologize if it isn't. Hey all, I am in need of advice and want to know what my options are. I work in IT and salaried. Last November I got put on a pip after a bad performance review in July. What's weird is that, I never had bad performance reviews in the 1.5 year working here. Then I got a bad review (and I haven't even signed for either) for menial reasons and my manager forgot to put me on a pip until later. From then, I've been sent to the office to work on site instead of remotely and I am literally the only person on site working. My manager has slowly cut off my resources so I am not having any work to do for half the day(one of the items that I need to…

Not sure if this is the right place to post so I apologize if it isn't.

Hey all, I am in need of advice and want to know what my options are. I work in IT and salaried. Last November I got put on a pip after a bad performance review in July. What's weird is that, I never had bad performance reviews in the 1.5 year working here. Then I got a bad review (and I haven't even signed for either) for menial reasons and my manager forgot to put me on a pip until later.

From then, I've been sent to the office to work on site instead of remotely and I am literally the only person on site working. My manager has slowly cut off my resources so I am not having any work to do for half the day(one of the items that I need to improve on in the pip). According to the pip we are supposed to meet every 14 days to check in and see how progress is going. We have not done that as often as the plan says. I have only signed the acknowledgment of the plan and haven't signed a check in. But apparently I am one strike or so from failing the pip??

Fast forward to present time, I have a different manager who still says I'm on the pip (even though on paper it says it is scheduled to be done jan 6, 2022) and I am tired of walking on eggshells. I am tired of commuting to just stare at my computer screen at the crack of dawn instead of being busy. I feel left out. My manager only reaches out to complain and I try avoiding talking to them as much as I can.

The last check in meeting we had was in February after I requested a status update since I thought the PIP was over and I needed to be reimbursed for school. I can't be reimbursed because of the PIP and HR says it's still ongoing. They also said they were going to extend it to 90 days (??? No idea how that makes sense since we are way past 150+ days). I also personally did not agree to extend it. They don't follow their own policy/protocol. I was supposed to receive a end of the year performance review last month and it never happened. Everyone got a raise but I didn't. Now everyone is being scheduled their quarter 1 performance check in except me, I feel as if I am being swept under the rug.

I am going to request vacation to my manager soon, she is going to ask I make sure I have coverage for my work (which I do and have emails confirming that) and I am also going to request I will be working from home unless otherwise needed on site (which other people I work with is cool with as well).

I am worried because of the open PIP she's going to shoot down my request to work from home and probably try and fire me. I think they just purposely making the work environment hostile and try to get me to quit/leave on my own since instead of firing me and raising their unemployment tax. I also live in a “work at will” state.

I figure it doesn't hurt to ask since I am just asking, but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot.

TLDR: I got put on a 2 month PIP for no reason, it's about to be 6 months since it started. HR has stopped checking in on us and I want to request wfh since all my work can be completed remotely. Should I just stay “under the radar” or risk shooting myself in the foot and say something?

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