
My boss asked me to come in during my paternity leave…

Like the title says my boss asked me to come in during my paternity leave. It's my fiancee and I's first child so I decided to take the full 5 weeks my province offers. We're having a difficult time and I'm now 2 weeks into my 5 weeks. I'm a supervisor for a team of 6 or 7 people and we have another supervisor that I work alongside. My boss messaged me saying that they are having staffing issues and monday is going to be a super busy day so he offered me a 100$ gift card to come in for a few hours and help out the operations. I'm usually a salaried employee so that's why he's offering the gift card. I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure it's super illegal to ask me this as I'm being paid parental benefits from the government. I said no but is…

Like the title says my boss asked me to come in during my paternity leave. It's my fiancee and I's first child so I decided to take the full 5 weeks my province offers. We're having a difficult time and I'm now 2 weeks into my 5 weeks.
I'm a supervisor for a team of 6 or 7 people and we have another supervisor that I work alongside. My boss messaged me saying that they are having staffing issues and monday is going to be a super busy day so he offered me a 100$ gift card to come in for a few hours and help out the operations. I'm usually a salaried employee so that's why he's offering the gift card. I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure it's super illegal to ask me this as I'm being paid parental benefits from the government. I said no but is there anything else I should do?
I guarantee his boss or HR department don't know he asked me to come in. Other than this issue he's been a fantastic boss.

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