
Exodus in Local News

Hi Anti-Work, long time lurker and comment leaver. I work in local news, specifically, I am a meteorologist. Sadly I’m only a weekend Met so three days a week I have to pretend to be a journalist (something I despise entirely) so I can have weather fun the other two. I’m wondering how many of you work or have worked in local news. The turnover is terrible. The pay is lol. The stress is getting bigger. What is your experience?? Also I would like to take this post and answer any questions I can from people who don’t work in local news but are curious to how the business works.

Hi Anti-Work, long time lurker and comment leaver.

I work in local news, specifically, I am a meteorologist. Sadly I’m only a weekend Met so three days a week I have to pretend to be a journalist (something I despise entirely) so I can have weather fun the other two.

I’m wondering how many of you work or have worked in local news. The turnover is terrible. The pay is lol. The stress is getting bigger. What is your experience??

Also I would like to take this post and answer any questions I can from people who don’t work in local news but are curious to how the business works.

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