
Railway Labor Act and NLRA: ELI5?

As a salaried airline employee, I’m told that I may not share my salary under fear of employment review. Turns out I don’t care much, because working for an airline rn is not… pleasant. That said, I turned to the NLRA to find verbiage to explain that it’s not ok to discourage employees to share their salaries when I noticed that due to the Railway Labor Act, airline employees are not covered under the NLRA. Why? What? How? Any recourse? And PSA: please be kind to your airline folks, they’re trying their best.

As a salaried airline employee, I’m told that I may not share my salary under fear of employment review. Turns out I don’t care much, because working for an airline rn is not… pleasant.

That said, I turned to the NLRA to find verbiage to explain that it’s not ok to discourage employees to share their salaries when I noticed that due to the Railway Labor Act, airline employees are not covered under the NLRA.

Why? What? How? Any recourse?

And PSA: please be kind to your airline folks, they’re trying their best.

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