
we’re fucked

I'm 17. Graduated early and am now going to cosmetology school from 8am-5pm. Then I work from 6-10, weekends it varies. I'm not the only one of course. Almost everyone here does the same, some work longer hours than I do. Some have kids and don't have time to even work. Those of us here aren't the only ones living like this. Everywhere it's the same. Graduate, go to school and work your fucking ass off for 10 bucks an hour, and for what!!?? I don't even like cosmetology. I don't know what else to do but I have to survive in this shitty economy. Even if I had some other career interests, I don't have the time to pursue them. We get stuck exactly where we land after HS. I think death would be preferable, but sadly I believe in reincarnation and I'm not doing this shit again.

I'm 17. Graduated early and am now going to cosmetology school from 8am-5pm. Then I work from 6-10, weekends it varies. I'm not the only one of course. Almost everyone here does the same, some work longer hours than I do. Some have kids and don't have time to even work. Those of us here aren't the only ones living like this. Everywhere it's the same. Graduate, go to school and work your fucking ass off for 10 bucks an hour, and for what!!?? I don't even like cosmetology. I don't know what else to do but I have to survive in this shitty economy. Even if I had some other career interests, I don't have the time to pursue them. We get stuck exactly where we land after HS. I think death would be preferable, but sadly I believe in reincarnation and I'm not doing this shit again.

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