
Small rant about WFH with my company

My company is giving us the option to begin working from home 1/3 the week, so a day and a half. This is actually really nice and I’m grateful for it. This policy starts today 4/4, but my boss says I must wait 2 weeks to begin WFH. The reasoning behind this is that he is going to be on vacation starting this Friday. Why on earth does your vacation have anything to do with me working from home? I’m not really looking for an answer but am mildly frustrated as these seem so uncorrelated. Rant over. Anyone else have stupid boss reasoning stories?

My company is giving us the option to begin working from home 1/3 the week, so a day and a half. This is actually really nice and I’m grateful for it. This policy starts today 4/4, but my boss says I must wait 2 weeks to begin WFH. The reasoning behind this is that he is going to be on vacation starting this Friday. Why on earth does your vacation have anything to do with me working from home? I’m not really looking for an answer but am mildly frustrated as these seem so uncorrelated. Rant over.

Anyone else have stupid boss reasoning stories?

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