
Is work allowed to take hours?

We work in normal 08:00/16:30 with 30 minutes lunch. 1 dude had the evening shift (students help and he is in charge) from 13:30/21:00 with 30 minutes dinnertime aswell. But because the students who should have worked couldn't make it, he was sent home at 16:30 and had worked 3 hours. (He wasn't allowed to stay to just finish his shift because of safety reasons). Now work wants him to work the remaining hours in his own time. He said its unfair because he is not in control of the students coming or not and now he is forced to use 5 hours from overtime. Does my company have any rights to do this or is this illegal? We're from the Netherlands btw and we work in a big warehouse. I would love to know more about this! 🙂

We work in normal 08:00/16:30 with 30 minutes lunch.
1 dude had the evening shift (students help and he is in charge) from 13:30/21:00 with 30 minutes dinnertime aswell.

But because the students who should have worked couldn't make it, he was sent home at 16:30 and had worked 3 hours. (He wasn't allowed to stay to just finish his shift because of safety reasons).

Now work wants him to work the remaining hours in his own time.
He said its unfair because he is not in control of the students coming or not and now he is forced to use 5 hours from overtime.
Does my company have any rights to do this or is this illegal?

We're from the Netherlands btw and we work in a big warehouse.

I would love to know more about this! 🙂

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