
Fired within hours of medical release after off-work injury.

Vague because I don’t know yet what further actions I’ll take, if any. Input would be appreciated, but I do value my mental health over revenge. If nothing more I can just digitally scream “What. The. Fuck.” Took unpaid vacation time with manger approval. Got injured and required surgery. Owner/manager knew all of this and my expected return date (1 month). I could not be medically cleared to return to work until my incision was fully healed due to the high potential for infection or chemical contact in a Covid collection and testing lab. Within hours of reporting my medical ‘all clear’ to the owner, I was terminated. It’s at-will, so they didn’t have to make up an excuse, but chose one anyways, that does not apply to this business or me. Days later they say I can come back and that they neeeed me because someone just quit without…

Vague because I don’t know yet what further actions I’ll take, if any. Input would be appreciated, but I do value my mental health over revenge. If nothing more I can just digitally scream “What. The. Fuck.”

Took unpaid vacation time with manger approval. Got injured and required surgery. Owner/manager knew all of this and my expected return date (1 month). I could not be medically cleared to return to work until my incision was fully healed due to the high potential for infection or chemical contact in a Covid collection and testing lab. Within hours of reporting my medical ‘all clear’ to the owner, I was terminated. It’s at-will, so they didn’t have to make up an excuse, but chose one anyways, that does not apply to this business or me.

Days later they say I can come back and that they neeeed me because someone just quit without notice. I know this game because I’m not fkin fool. The owner has shown her true colors. If I went back, eventually, I would be cut to ridiculous part time hours and be forced to quit as a result (she tried forcing hours changes once before). As of right now, I have applied for unemployment, so she will get to pay more into that pot for the rest of this business’ lifetime.

Context of work/skill level: I typed it all up and realized it was too specific and long. <1 year at this company, but since the beginning of Covid with this owner. I’m really damn good at my job and everyone I’ve worked with/for knows it. I was not paid what I was worth hourly, and certainly not for my commute- But I was verbally promised training in a different section and reaffirmed I had a position after Covid. Both were lies.

So again I scream into the abyss WHAT. THE. FUCK.

tldr; Injured on vacation, fired from job the day I reported medical release because the money in Covid testing is drying up.

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