
I quit on April 1st, and it turns out they didn’t believe me.

So, I have worked at a company that is run by someone who normally stays on JUST the right side of the law. Like they do nothing past what is required of them by the law. The wife is penny pinching, pays the techs about $10 under industry standards (which I don't fucking understand), won't pay to have state taxes taken out by the accounts for Oregon since we are in Washington, and give us the bare minimum of PTO. But what really grinds my gears, is she won't give the three office personnel their own stamps… Or even a roll of stamps to split. No we get a sheet of 16 to share amongst us…which she, despite having stamps upstairs in her office, will come down and use. Just. Ugh. It seems like a small thing until you are doing collections and need a whole sheet + of stamps…

So, I have worked at a company that is run by someone who normally stays on JUST the right side of the law. Like they do nothing past what is required of them by the law. The wife is penny pinching, pays the techs about $10 under industry standards (which I don't fucking understand), won't pay to have state taxes taken out by the accounts for Oregon since we are in Washington, and give us the bare minimum of PTO. But what really grinds my gears, is she won't give the three office personnel their own stamps… Or even a roll of stamps to split. No we get a sheet of 16 to share amongst us…which she, despite having stamps upstairs in her office, will come down and use. Just. Ugh. It seems like a small thing until you are doing collections and need a whole sheet + of stamps and there are only 4 stamps left and it's a Friday and she won't be back until Monday.

Anyway I digress, they are not great to work for, but I'm pregnant and while I was finally at my limit due to their actions with staffing – there is no way my 22 weeks pregnant ass was going to be able to find a new job that would be perfectly chill with me starting at 24 weeks pregnant and leaving in late July early August for 3 months. It's illegal not to hire someone pregnant, but good freaking luck proving it! And at this point it's not easy to hide. Not worth the stress, I was just gonna job hunt whole on maternity leave.

Enter stage right, literally the perfect job for me: what I am currently doing (dispatch) in a field I actually understand and enjoy (IT) literally saying “hey you want this job + a small pay raise?”

You bet your sweet biscuit I want this gd job. I put in my two weeks and came in this morning and started going over what I needed to get down before I leave with the owner's son (owner is passing the business to him, he's great but the owner and his wife still hold the reins) and he is like “wait?! That wasn't an April fool's joke? Fuck I need to get this job listing posted.”

It was kinda great.
I'm literally the only one in the office who knows how to do anything/everything because they refused to hire a new office manager for a year after our last one went on medical leave, and the joke they finally hired to replace her was horrible… Then when they fired her after 4 months they decided NOT TO TRY AND GET SOMEONE NEW UNTIL THEY GOT BACK FROM VACATION A MONTH AND A HALF AFTER. (Aka tomorrow, boy are they gonna be surprised). So basically it is me and one other person right now, but she's been interviewing for the past 4 months and only knows how to do her small aspect of the job.

I guess they are going to be able to test their theory that the office staff is unnecessary 😀 teehee.

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