
Before we can properly address America’s anti-worker culture, we need to address its anti-protest culture

The largest social strides in history (from civil rights to workers' rights) were accomplished in large part due to public protest. From walk-outs to sit-ins to marches, protests are the most effective means for the oppressed to stimulate action (from the government and/or their oppressors). Unfortunately we continue to foster a strong anti-protest culture in the US. Either you hold a non-disruptive protest like a peaceful gathering in a park and get derided as “a bunch of morons sitting around singing kumbaya as if that'll change anything” (and let's be real, they're probably right), or you hold a disruptive protest like marching and lying in the streets and you get… this: People celebrating the threatening of protestors, and worse, wishing that they had actually been subjected to serious bodily harm. The video is too blurry to make out the protestors' cause, so these are all comments against the very…

The largest social strides in history (from civil rights to workers' rights) were accomplished in large part due to public protest. From walk-outs to sit-ins to marches, protests are the most effective means for the oppressed to stimulate action (from the government and/or their oppressors). Unfortunately we continue to foster a strong anti-protest culture in the US. Either you hold a non-disruptive protest like a peaceful gathering in a park and get derided as “a bunch of morons sitting around singing kumbaya as if that'll change anything” (and let's be real, they're probably right), or you hold a disruptive protest like marching and lying in the streets and you get… this: People celebrating the threatening of protestors, and worse, wishing that they had actually been subjected to serious bodily harm. The video is too blurry to make out the protestors' cause, so these are all comments against the very act of protesting, not the specific message of the protestors. This thread is in no way unique; the vitriol against protesters during the BLM movement of 2020 was just as toxic (e.g. “all lives splatter”), but this thread shows that these attitudes exist regardless of a protest's catalyst or its message. And these attitudes have serious consequences, such as Florida's “anti-riot” law and other attempts to criminalize the very act of protest.

Especially of note in the thread above, notice how many commentors are saying “you can't protest in the streets, people have to get to work!!!1”? American workers have been so oppressed and brainwashed that people are threatening violence on individuals exercising their first amendment rights, all so that they can continue their uninterrupted service to capitalism. Comments like these, either in social media or real life, need to be immediately called out as completely unacceptable (and report them for promoting violence).

You can grumble all you want that your day was disrupted by a protest, but it is never acceptable to wish (even jokingly) for physical harm come to protesters.*

*Except nazis. Punch away! But JFC, don't run them over with your car.

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