
I knew this job was bad for my health, but damn…

I posted a while back about issues with ADA accommodation violations related to my epilepsy. This job has directly caused my seizures to skyrocket to the point that 3 doctors have now told me to quit (currently looking for new work). My job is so strenuous for me that a normal workweek will result in at least one seizure per week, ranging in severity. For the past week I've been in the hospital doing an overnight medical exam called an EEG. For those unfamiliar, they stick a bunch of electrodes to your head to track your brain activity during a seizure; the exam involves staying in the hospital for several days while Drs try to induce seizures for data collection. The idea being that it'll pinpoint where exactly in the brain the seizures are coming from. I've had EEGs in the past, but this time inducing a seizure was like…

I posted a while back about issues with ADA accommodation violations related to my epilepsy. This job has directly caused my seizures to skyrocket to the point that 3 doctors have now told me to quit (currently looking for new work). My job is so strenuous for me that a normal workweek will result in at least one seizure per week, ranging in severity.

For the past week I've been in the hospital doing an overnight medical exam called an EEG. For those unfamiliar, they stick a bunch of electrodes to your head to track your brain activity during a seizure; the exam involves staying in the hospital for several days while Drs try to induce seizures for data collection. The idea being that it'll pinpoint where exactly in the brain the seizures are coming from. I've had EEGs in the past, but this time inducing a seizure was like pulling teeth. I was abruptly cut off my meds, wasn't allowed to sleep for 2 nights, and given a cocktail of narcotics and antipsychotics, and I only managed one or two minor seizures.

I can't get over the fact that a typical day at work is worse for my health/seizures than all the shit that goes into medically inducing one hahaha

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