
Work wants us to return immediately the next day after FIRE.

To preface this I live in California. I work inside Target, but not for Target. Well yesterday someone started a fire in the store about 20 feet from my general work area. It ended up getting pretty big, so big that the entire store was evacuated and when all the doors were open smoke was still pouring out. Firetrucks, ambulances, police vehicles were all there so surely the next day I imagined we wouldn't be working. I was wrong. I returned to work about an hour ago and the smell is very very prevalent and there's literal ash still on things. Now instantly I called my DM and said yeah I'm not working they're out of their mind. I told other workers to do the same. I doubt I'll get “written up” or something to that extent. I really couldn't fathom that they wouldn't close the store for ONE day…

To preface this I live in California. I work inside Target, but not for Target. Well yesterday someone started a fire in the store about 20 feet from my general work area. It ended up getting pretty big, so big that the entire store was evacuated and when all the doors were open smoke was still pouring out. Firetrucks, ambulances, police vehicles were all there so surely the next day I imagined we wouldn't be working. I was wrong. I returned to work about an hour ago and the smell is very very prevalent and there's literal ash still on things. Now instantly I called my DM and said yeah I'm not working they're out of their mind. I told other workers to do the same. I doubt I'll get “written up” or something to that extent. I really couldn't fathom that they wouldn't close the store for ONE day even. I shouldn't of been surprised but DAMN, boggles the mind.

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