
Company president at my job just ridiculed sick people at our meeting.

Just got out of a company leadership meeting in which we were told not to take people’s “excuses” when they call out. He donned a whiny voice and imitated them, saying “I’m sick!” or “My Mom’s in the hospital!” or “I need a mental health day!” He then yelled “I’M SICK OF THE EXCUSES!” Basically told us we need to guilt people into coming into work even when they can’t or shouldn’t, and make it their responsibility to find someone to cover their shift. It was so fucking cringe. I had to stop myself from unmuting and saying “maybe if we paid people more than $8/hr, they’d want to come to work.” The icing on the cake is that right before the meeting, he sent out an email asking us to write about how we “honor God’s creation” through our work, with a deadline. I actually love my job overall,…

Just got out of a company leadership meeting in which we were told not to take people’s “excuses” when they call out. He donned a whiny voice and imitated them, saying “I’m sick!” or “My Mom’s in the hospital!” or “I need a mental health day!” He then yelled “I’M SICK OF THE EXCUSES!” Basically told us we need to guilt people into coming into work even when they can’t or shouldn’t, and make it their responsibility to find someone to cover their shift. It was so fucking cringe. I had to stop myself from unmuting and saying “maybe if we paid people more than $8/hr, they’d want to come to work.”

The icing on the cake is that right before the meeting, he sent out an email asking us to write about how we “honor God’s creation” through our work, with a deadline. I actually love my job overall, but I work for a fucking clown car of a company.

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