
The only union member in our workplace is the union delegate. He is the primary perpetrator of harassment in our workplace and higher management is either too terrified to do something about it or is complicit in the harassment.

So, today I did some research and found an alternative union… they now have 9 new members. I have written a report to HR and will be requesting an immediate toolbox centred around harassment in the workplace and best of all … I have already found a new job and haven't given them notice yet. I intend to escalate it to a our local government body if HR doesn't immediately action it and I need to be currently employed at the place I am at for them to be able to do anything. Hope they enjoy my parting gift. Bon Voyage!

So, today I did some research and found an alternative union… they now have 9 new members. I have written a report to HR and will be requesting an immediate toolbox centred around harassment in the workplace and best of all … I have already found a new job and haven't given them notice yet. I intend to escalate it to a our local government body if HR doesn't immediately action it and I need to be currently employed at the place I am at for them to be able to do anything.

Hope they enjoy my parting gift.

Bon Voyage!

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