
Got offered a job and then never heard back from them

I’ve been struggling finding a job in my field after graduating college. It’s been almost a year and I’ve done everything. I always get close to a job offer but never actually receive one. Well two weeks ago I was interviewing for a remote job in Boston and it seemed amazing and I fit the job description perfectly. I did three rounds of interviews and I was told I’d hear back by X day. Well that day came and went and I thought “eh it’s happened before time to move on.” Three days later they email me and I got the job! They said they were excited to offer me the position and I would soon be receiving my offer letter and welcome package. I replied immediately thanking them for them for the opportunity and that I was excited for their email. Well two days went by, three, four, a…

I’ve been struggling finding a job in my field after graduating college. It’s been almost a year and I’ve done everything. I always get close to a job offer but never actually receive one. Well two weeks ago I was interviewing for a remote job in Boston and it seemed amazing and I fit the job description perfectly. I did three rounds of interviews and I was told I’d hear back by X day. Well that day came and went and I thought “eh it’s happened before time to move on.” Three days later they email me and I got the job! They said they were excited to offer me the position and I would soon be receiving my offer letter and welcome package. I replied immediately thanking them for them for the opportunity and that I was excited for their email. Well two days went by, three, four, a weekend, never heard back. A week later I reach out stating again how excited I was and looking forward to hearing from them. It’s been over two weeks and I’ve yet to hear from them.

The sad thing is, this isn’t even the worst I’ve been treated since trying to find a job. So I’m cutting my loses and moving back into to applying for jobs again.

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