
New job let my sister quit her old job, just to fire her 20 days later

As the title says. She was working for almost a year in a firm. Then she got a nice offer with a %30 pay rise and she accepted it. Just after 20 days her new job fired her, saying their plans with the department have changed and they will not need her in the future. Apparently there is no restriction to make someone leave their secure job and then change your mind and fire them in the first 20 days. And they only paid her for 20 days worth.

As the title says. She was working for almost a year in a firm. Then she got a nice offer with a %30 pay rise and she accepted it. Just after 20 days her new job fired her, saying their plans with the department have changed and they will not need her in the future.

Apparently there is no restriction to make someone leave their secure job and then change your mind and fire them in the first 20 days. And they only paid her for 20 days worth.

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