
So I’m not allowed to drop a day at work to help with my mental health until my boss finds someone else to replace my day off.

I make this women over £100 per day and so does my colleague. She’s having such a fucking power trip over this as she does over everything. She doesn’t have rent to pay as she owns the building, she doesn’t have business rates to pay, her own house is paid off and she gets rent from 2 properties she owns. And she thinks her business is going to go under if I take one day off a week? Does that sound right to you? Or am I being unreasonable here? The shop will still be open making money, just with one less artist. “Just do stuff on your day off” no, I am depressed as fuck. On my day off I sleep til 2pm. “Well that’s just lazy” no, hun, that’s mental illness and knowing nothing but work work work. “But you love your job” aye sometimes, it’s my dream…

I make this women over £100 per day and so does my colleague. She’s having such a fucking power trip over this as she does over everything. She doesn’t have rent to pay as she owns the building, she doesn’t have business rates to pay, her own house is paid off and she gets rent from 2 properties she owns. And she thinks her business is going to go under if I take one day off a week? Does that sound right to you? Or am I being unreasonable here? The shop will still be open making money, just with one less artist.

“Just do stuff on your day off” no, I am depressed as fuck. On my day off I sleep til 2pm. “Well that’s just lazy” no, hun, that’s mental illness and knowing nothing but work work work. “But you love your job” aye sometimes, it’s my dream job but it’s just making me sad now. It’s also a hard job that requires loads of unpaid out of hours work too like drawing. She sits back, pops out during the day, come in after me and her other worker, leaves early everyday, while I earn all her money (she doesn’t tattoo)

I’m self employed, technically I don’t need to tell her anything, and technically if she says no I can just leave all together and really leave her in the shit. I’m not big headed, in fact I think I’m a bit shit at my job, but I’m fully booked for months at a time and I have a 5 star rating and a good client base, I’m the busiest artist she’s ever had she told me, yet the place will close down without me for one day? I don’t buy it.

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