
I wish a boss would

My boss was being shitty so I put in my two weeks. He turned around and fired me the next day. Lmao, I had an interview lined up the day I put in my two weeks and was in the process of talking to 3 other companies the next day. Yet you told me it took you weeks to find someone fill my position?? Good luck Let me remind you that the labor market belongs to the employees now, make sure they know that. Take no shit, don't feel bad about leaving for a better job, know your worth.

My boss was being shitty so I put in my two weeks. He turned around and fired me the next day. Lmao, I had an interview lined up the day I put in my two weeks and was in the process of talking to 3 other companies the next day. Yet you told me it took you weeks to find someone fill my position?? Good luck

Let me remind you that the labor market belongs to the employees now, make sure they know that. Take no shit, don't feel bad about leaving for a better job, know your worth.

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