
Why do bosses/managers get so mad at good employees when quitting, when THEY are the ones that want us to stay?

TL;DR: Bosses/managers get mad at good employees for quitting, then want them to stay anyways without offering a raise or to make changes to resolve the issue. Bosses/managers probably have a higher chance to keep employees by working with them or giving them a raise to keep them happy. Bosses/managers feel like they own their employees. So I'm pretty sure many people here who quit their jobs recently have got some pretty bad responses from their bosses/managers when handing in their notice despite giving a proper notice, not causing a scene, not doing anything stupid, etc. Whether they ignore you, give you a rant about how issues within the company is your problem, or that you're suppose to feel bad for them, etc. For me, they started the argument. They started off by asking me where I'm going after in which I said I'm not sure. (I was burnt out…

TL;DR: Bosses/managers get mad at good employees for quitting, then want them to stay anyways without offering a raise or to make changes to resolve the issue. Bosses/managers probably have a higher chance to keep employees by working with them or giving them a raise to keep them happy. Bosses/managers feel like they own their employees.

So I'm pretty sure many people here who quit their jobs recently have got some pretty bad responses from their bosses/managers when handing in their notice despite giving a proper notice, not causing a scene, not doing anything stupid, etc. Whether they ignore you, give you a rant about how issues within the company is your problem, or that you're suppose to feel bad for them, etc.

For me, they started the argument. They started off by asking me where I'm going after in which I said I'm not sure. (I was burnt out and simply needed to quit the job to stay sane). They started asking why I'm quitting so soon, I let them know I was burnt out and they gave me a reaction like I was joking or crazy. Then I let them know that they were not putting enough people on shift which lead to us getting overruned (overworked). They started giving me excuses like they couldn't predict how much customers were going to come in, sales were lower, etc probably to get me to feel bad for them somehow. They told me “Don't just be like FK it I quit” and that they knew something was up when I quit. Then after some more back and forth of the same thing (making excuses, trying to get me to feel bad, etc). They told me they are sorry about what happened and they appreciate the work I did. In the end, we calmed down and the conversation ended kinda ok. But then they just told me they wish I would stay and that's it.

Now I know they are mad partially because they know right now it's hard to find workers and I was a good worker that they didn't want to lose. But bosses/managers should realize that when people hand in notice, they probably gave it some thoughts before deciding to quit. So if they're the ones that want us to stay and really value us as an employee, why do they think the answer is to get angry at us like make us feel guilty somehow? I think they would have a higher chance of getting an employee to stay by asking then discussing with them regarding the problems and come up with a solution or changes they can make. Or if there's not much they can do, perhaps just give them a raise for the additional work/inconvenience. Or if they just want to hire new people anyways, don't engage in an argument with the employee that's quitting, just accept the notice, stay silent regarding any rant or aggravation, let them quit and move on. (That was what I wish they did for me) They didn't even offer to make changes to try to address the issue or offer me a raise to stay. They need to realize it's a free job market, people can usually quit for any reasons at any time.

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