
Theft, pure and simple

I have always had a strong work ethic. I started working IT for a major company last year. We work in seasons. They lay us off two months per year, so they don't have to offer us benefits. The very first thing that they did to me, was lie about my starting wage. How can you start off a decent working relationship, when the very first thing that you do, is lie to me about my wage? I called them on it and they claimed that the recruiting manager, “made a mistake,” and they stuck to the lower amount. Reluctantly, I still accepted the offer. Many lies followed after that, too. I've always been the first out of my team to complete my work, complete any given learning assignments, and install new equipment. My mother has been having problems and having enough money in a “rainy day fund”, I wanted…

I have always had a strong work ethic. I started working IT for a major company last year. We work in seasons. They lay us off two months per year, so they don't have to offer us benefits. The very first thing that they did to me, was lie about my starting wage. How can you start off a decent working relationship, when the very first thing that you do, is lie to me about my wage? I called them on it and they claimed that the recruiting manager, “made a mistake,” and they stuck to the lower amount. Reluctantly, I still accepted the offer.

Many lies followed after that, too. I've always been the first out of my team to complete my work, complete any given learning assignments, and install new equipment. My mother has been having problems and having enough money in a “rainy day fund”, I wanted to quit to help her out. My manager asked me to stay on, saying that he would give me a day or two off, here and there, to help her out. He gave me one day off and the next two requests were like, “I'll give you the day off, but you really need to get this under control….” I just consider that another lie.

We have call metrics as phone work is part of our job. One of the most important ones is time spent per call. We have people that hang up on callers, tell them “this isn't their job” and hang up, or just plain misinform them and end the call. Then, there are a small minority of people that actually help the callers, taking a long amount of time to address their issues. The crappy employees get $100 gift cards and the people that help, get scolded.

We're supposed to turn in expense reports within 60 days or get a reprimand. I had an expense report that I forgot to turn in. I've been inundated with taking care of my mom, keeping her house and my house up and running, stocked with groceries, and keeping all of the bills paid…. plus having to deal with my crappy job. The expense report was finished a week and a half before I was supposed to turn it in. I forgot about it and it sits in an app apart from my hours app. I had expenses this pay period. I went into the app, saw the old expense report, and turned it in. I apologized and told them just what I told you.

Meanwhile, I've found out that I have to do a larger building, “installing a network”, in a couple of months. I'm not doing it; I'm done. I ask if I can be furloughed early, so I don't have a quit on my record. I tell my manager that I've heard through two people of the refit and “I'm surprised” that he didn't tell me about it first. Of course I'm not surprised because deception and lies is how it works around here. He tells me that he'd like to keep me on for another month, then he'll furlough me. I really don't want to stick around for another month, but to be professional about it, I will. After my meeting, I find an email from my manager, stating that since I turned in that expense report late, they are considering not paying me for it, at all. This is a $120 expense report!

I'm torn between replying to the email and trying to calmly state that I am (and have) been bending over backwards for him and he rewards me by condoning the company to steal from me?!?. Or, should I just send a reply, calling him an asshole, quit today, and tell him that I'll see them in small claims court.

I'm sorry for the book and thank you in advance for any feedback.

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