
If you were treated well, how much would you slack off?

By “treated well,” define that however you like. For me it would be fair pay (equal to the value I bring to the business), health benefits, pension, generous PTO, etc. etc. I was wondering about this because I am not a slacker–I kind of hate downtime. I don't enjoy browsing my phone, and I'd rather be doing something productive than nothing. I can't just sit still and chill (disclaimer: I have ADHD, lol) I don't currently have a full-time job–I work 8 hours a week at a small shop for 10/hour. Yeah, i know it sucks but lots of times I get paid more than the shop brings in, and I like the owner, so it's fine for now. But there is LOTS of downtime, which I hate. I'd like to be doing things. Right now I've been watching Outer Limits episodes, lol Do most of you feel that way?…

By “treated well,” define that however you like. For me it would be fair pay (equal to the value I bring to the business), health benefits, pension, generous PTO, etc. etc.

I was wondering about this because I am not a slacker–I kind of hate downtime. I don't enjoy browsing my phone, and I'd rather be doing something productive than nothing. I can't just sit still and chill (disclaimer: I have ADHD, lol)

I don't currently have a full-time job–I work 8 hours a week at a small shop for 10/hour. Yeah, i know it sucks but lots of times I get paid more than the shop brings in, and I like the owner, so it's fine for now.

But there is LOTS of downtime, which I hate. I'd like to be doing things. Right now I've been watching Outer Limits episodes, lol

Do most of you feel that way? I mean, if you worked with people you liked and they treated you well?

It seems to me that if companies actually valued workers and didn't treat them as disposable cogs, they'd have the most productive workforce ever.

I don't mean this as an indictment of anyone who is able to just chill and do nothing–hey, very cool! And if you can get paid for it, even better!

I was just wondering about different peoples' styles, or personalities. I love a day when I've been busy and feel like I've accomplished things–but I have autonomy to organize my own work and I am largely unsupervised, so nobody hanging over me. I think that makes a big difference.

I recall one job I had in a restaurant with a very micro-managing boss. He went on vacation for two weeks and we had the most productive time, with no call-outs, lol

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