
My company is going 100% in-office starting next month.

My company says they've tried to let people work a 60% in-office 40% WFH hybrid model and that people were not following this schedule and that on any given day, only 40-50% of people have been in the office. So they're saying that the hybrid model isn't working and that everyone has to be back in the office 100% by May 1st. All vacations days have to be requested and approved 4 weeks prior. All personal days have to be requested and approved 1 week prior. All sick days have to be requested the night before. The 68 year old CEO is saying that he never thought WFH was going to work because he's never been able to collaborate and have effective discussions over Zoom. 60%+ of my company are people under the age of 30. I don't think many of them have a problem interacting online…

My company says they've tried to let people work a 60% in-office 40% WFH hybrid model and that people were not following this schedule and that on any given day, only 40-50% of people have been in the office. So they're saying that the hybrid model isn't working and that everyone has to be back in the office 100% by May 1st. All vacations days have to be requested and approved 4 weeks prior. All personal days have to be requested and approved 1 week prior. All sick days have to be requested the night before.

The 68 year old CEO is saying that he never thought WFH was going to work because he's never been able to collaborate and have effective discussions over Zoom.

60%+ of my company are people under the age of 30. I don't think many of them have a problem interacting online…

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