I wish we all could agree to down tools for a single week from all of our jobs across the rich first world. I'm talking UK, Europe, Australia/New Zealand, America etc…
All of us simply call up our workplaces at 8:30am one Monday morning and call in sick. As one. A united front to show the rich corporations and the interests that control them that we can quite easily knock off billions of their dollar value simply by refusing to operate the means of production. We don't even need to seize said means.
Just leave them with no one to work the factories, do the paperwork, serve the food, run the offices etc.
Imagine how much that would scare the living shit out of the powers that be. The Govt., the billionaires, the millionaires and the business owners of the planet. All of a sudden they are taking monumental losses because their poorly treat workers said “No, we have had enough”.
Yes I know pie in the sky. But all it would take is uniting under common cause; that cause being striking for better working conditions, better livable pay rates, better worker's rights across the board. All it takes is people having the courage to free themselves of the invisible shackles placed on them by our capitalist (predatory) economy.
Starve the predator, save the livestock.
Our ancestors did it only 100 years ago and won us the 8 hour work day, the weekend, work place health and safety laws and in some parts of the world a minimum wage enforced by law (All might I add co-opted by the rich and powerful to look like it was their idea, and how so very generous they were – do not believe that propaganda). In some case the vote.
Just imagine, the power being taken back, even though it was always ours to being with.