
I could puke at the audacity of boomers

My father barely made a HS diploma – earned a decent amount of money and retired at age 58!!! Yet he claims how much harder he had it than Millenials and bla bla bla Meanwhile I have a HS diploma and two degrees – yet I will never be able to afford a house or a family and I can count myself lucky if I can retire when Im going to be 68…. What is wrong with this generation???

My father barely made a HS diploma – earned a decent amount of money and retired at age 58!!! Yet he claims how much harder he had it than Millenials and bla bla bla

Meanwhile I have a HS diploma and two degrees – yet I will never be able to afford a house or a family and I can count myself lucky if I can retire when Im going to be 68….

What is wrong with this generation???

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