
I hate my job.

I genuinely hate my job. Idk if I'm just depressed or if this work is sucking the soul out of me. I don't care about anything there, not the customers, or my coworkers, or management. I feel like my life is in a limbo. My problem is that, its a wonderful union job. No one has really wronged me, the pay is okay, but I can't shake this feeling that I'm wasting my life away. I want to quit and just… do something I love. I know I would catch hell from my loved ones for leaving a steady job like this. I don't really have a reason for posting here, I just feel empty. I need change, I need something that fulfills me. I want passion for my work again. Does anyone have any advice?

I genuinely hate my job. Idk if I'm just depressed or if this work is sucking the soul out of me. I don't care about anything there, not the customers, or my coworkers, or management. I feel like my life is in a limbo. My problem is that, its a wonderful union job. No one has really wronged me, the pay is okay, but I can't shake this feeling that I'm wasting my life away. I want to quit and just… do something I love. I know I would catch hell from my loved ones for leaving a steady job like this. I don't really have a reason for posting here, I just feel empty. I need change, I need something that fulfills me. I want passion for my work again. Does anyone have any advice?

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