
Boss claims I’m salary but I never signed any paperwork

So I have a doozy. I work for a celebrity news site and get paid a flat rate per article and a set amount of revenue per article. This month, HR admitted to me in an email (but just me because we're friends) that there was a tech glitch that resulted in my and everyone's revenue was over 50% less than it should be. I asked what was going to be done and she said she'd talk to the boss. Well, she talked to the boss and he doesn't want to compensate anyone for the lost revenue and he told her not to tell anyone about the tech glitch (a little too late for that lol). He also said that I shouldn't be complaining that my paycheck was “a little” short this month because it wasn't that much money (I wrote like double the articles so flat article rate was…

So I have a doozy. I work for a celebrity news site and get paid a flat rate per article and a set amount of revenue per article.

This month, HR admitted to me in an email (but just me because we're friends) that there was a tech glitch that resulted in my and everyone's revenue was over 50% less than it should be. I asked what was going to be done and she said she'd talk to the boss.

Well, she talked to the boss and he doesn't want to compensate anyone for the lost revenue and he told her not to tell anyone about the tech glitch (a little too late for that lol). He also said that I shouldn't be complaining that my paycheck was “a little” short this month because it wasn't that much money (I wrote like double the articles so flat article rate was higher. For revenue, we're talking about a $1,500-2,000 dollar loss for me here).

I'm a contractor but the boss wants me to work full-time staff as salary for less than I'm currently making so I said no. He kept asking so I said, show me the paperwork and let me look it over and then we'll see. (I never received anything).

Well, today he told HR that my revenue shouldn't matter to me anymore anyway because as of April 1 they switched me over to salary because I “verbally accepted” a job offer.

  1. I never verbally accepted a job offer. 2. I've never signed any paperwork aside from my initial freelance contractor paperwork when I was first hired. HR isn't sure what he's talking about either.

Now I'm afraid to write anything for the site because I have no idea if I'll be paid for it. He won't talk to me directly. Everything is being relayed to me through HR.

Tl;dr: My boss shorted me on revenue than claimed I'm staff now so he doesn't have to pay me revenue anyway.

(Edit to fix typo)

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