
Forced to come into work with Covid.

Let me set the scene, we had an email a few weeks ago, saying that if we now test positive for covid, you have to come into work as normal. There will be NO working from home. If you do decide to not come in because you are too unwell. You will only get SSP. (£90 a week) or you can use your limited yearly holiday entitlement. I came into work on Tuesday after informing my boss that i had Covid on Monday night.. I brought in my own laptop and was put in an isolated room for the week to keep the other office staff “safe”. I felt like death but could not afford to have a week on SSP only. The work i was given was something i could do at home but the boss said “you are here to set a precedence for everyone else as we…

Let me set the scene, we had an email a few weeks ago, saying that if we now test positive for covid, you have to come into work as normal. There will be NO working from home. If you do decide to not come in because you are too unwell. You will only get SSP. (£90 a week) or you can use your limited yearly holiday entitlement.

I came into work on Tuesday after informing my boss that i had Covid on Monday night.. I brought in my own laptop and was put in an isolated room for the week to keep the other office staff “safe”.
I felt like death but could not afford to have a week on SSP only.
The work i was given was something i could do at home but the boss said “you are here to set a precedence for everyone else as we are not working at home anymore”

Fast forward 2 days. I thankfully felt much better, but i was still being kept in the isolated room and basically forgotten about.
Having to ring other employees to bring me items i needed like my chair, phone charger for my work phone. Tea / Coffee and milk for drinks etc.
2 more employees tested positive in another area of the business but they were walking around the business. no restrictions in place and not being isolated.

I ended the week and decided to book off 2 days for the next week. (Monday and Tuesday of this week) Incase i was still positive, there was no way i was going back into that fishbowl of an isolation room being treat like a child whos been thrown under the stairs!

Thankfully i am now negative and back in the normal office.. However.. another member of staff as just tested positive and guess what. He/She WORKING FROM HOME! Some precedence i set then eh..

I'm furious. if this doesn't fall under discrimination then i dont know what does?? Do i have any leg to stand on here to argue this thing out?

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