
I might not get paid

I work for a small business. I only started working here last year. When they were first set to open, the pandemic completely shut them down before they had a chance to even start. As such, the business made no money, and when payments to the landlords, construction people, etc. started again, they no money to pay them back. They finally opened late last year, so they haven't been open long. Customers of my boss's previous business have not realized that we are back. After I started working here, I learned about how much they owe and that we weren't making enough money. We've been making it for a while, but I just found out the other day that there isn't enough to cover everyone's pay from this period. We've all been doing everything we can to bring back business, but nothing is working. We just aren't making enough money.…

I work for a small business. I only started working here last year. When they were first set to open, the pandemic completely shut them down before they had a chance to even start. As such, the business made no money, and when payments to the landlords, construction people, etc. started again, they no money to pay them back. They finally opened late last year, so they haven't been open long. Customers of my boss's previous business have not realized that we are back. After I started working here, I learned about how much they owe and that we weren't making enough money. We've been making it for a while, but I just found out the other day that there isn't enough to cover everyone's pay from this period. We've all been doing everything we can to bring back business, but nothing is working. We just aren't making enough money. We all know it's the end, but we're still trying.

I'm about to polish up my resume, but right now I'm worried about pay. My boss is broke too and can't even cover her needs, so she can't cover the costs of paying us out of her own pocket. I know she isn't getting money, but I also need to make some.

Working already sucks, but not knowing if you'll be even compensated for your work is horrible.

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