
Is it possible to file a discriminatory lawsuit if my wife isn’t getting her breaks or promotions?

So a little back story. my wife has a degree in business and aesthetics. She does laser and Botox treatments for people. She is the only non Caucasian woman that works there of 7 people. She is always complaining how at least 3 days a week she doesn’t get a lunch or break but everyone else does. So she works about 10 hours with no break and a recent assistant director position was recently given to the new young girl that works there. (Friends with the director) My wife’s qualifications surpass any person (especially the new girl). No missed work days, no vacation days taken, bachelors in business and multiple aesthetics degrees. Today I received a text from my wife saying she feels like she is going to pass out and is hungry…. I’m half tempted to urge my wife to put in her notice and speak to a lawyer…

So a little back story. my wife has a degree in business and aesthetics. She does laser and Botox treatments for people. She is the only non Caucasian woman that works there of 7 people. She is always complaining how at least 3 days a week she doesn’t get a lunch or break but everyone else does. So she works about 10 hours with no break and a recent assistant director position was recently given to the new young girl that works there. (Friends with the director) My wife’s qualifications surpass any person (especially the new girl). No missed work days, no vacation days taken, bachelors in business and multiple aesthetics degrees.

Today I received a text from my wife saying she feels like she is going to pass out and is hungry…. I’m half tempted to urge my wife to put in her notice and speak to a lawyer but not sure if we have any hard case or just be best for her to quit.

Also, I was going to call and cuss them out and tell them to give my wife a break but my wife is very independent and asked me not to.

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