
I was fired from a very famous chicken restaurant for showing up to work sick because no one else could cover my shift and I didn’t want them to not have an opener (pre-covid)

I had worked for this company for 2 years at this point. I wake up on the morning in question and I feel terrible My nose is running, I have body aches, a fever the works. So I attempt to call my manager and tell her I could not make it to work. No answer. Our Director was out of town on vacation so I literally had no one to call and knew if I didn't show up they would have no cook. So I drug my ass in against my better judgment. My boss who was supposed to be there at the same time as me (6 AM) was two hours late as was her normal. So by the time she showed up I am already most of the way through my daily routine. I am moving slowly because I feel like hell but still knocking stuff out as…

I had worked for this company for 2 years at this point. I wake up on the morning in question and I feel terrible My nose is running, I have body aches, a fever the works. So I attempt to call my manager and tell her I could not make it to work. No answer. Our Director was out of town on vacation so I literally had no one to call and knew if I didn't show up they would have no cook. So I drug my ass in against my better judgment. My boss who was supposed to be there at the same time as me (6 AM) was two hours late as was her normal. So by the time she showed up I am already most of the way through my daily routine. I am moving slowly because I feel like hell but still knocking stuff out as fast as I can. Fast forward to about an hour before Lunch and she calls me into the office. She is like “You have been moving slow all day and I feel like this is on purpose and I keep telling you to move faster and you are refusing to listen.”. I explain that I am sick and should probably be at home and that I called her and left her a voicemail earlier that day explaining what was going on but didn't want to leave the restaurant without a cook for the morning shift since no one was answering. She stated that wasn't a good enough excuse and stated that effective the end of my shift I was fired but that I needed to go back out and work the lunch rush for her. I legitimately laughed in her face said nope grabbed my stuff said goodbye to my amazing coworkers and walked the hell out.

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