
I feel so ignored, neither the assistant manager nor the general manager care about what’s going on in my life.

So about two weeks ago my wife's girlfriend (R)s mother was sent to the ICU after a bad fall. She has cancer and it's been getting worse. The doctors told her she had maybe a few weeks to 6 months left and that they were gonna put her on at home hospice care. She lives alone with R who is basically her caretaker meaning that R was to handle making the house wheelchair accessible and ready for when her mom comes back. The issue is their house is full of stuff from their grandparents who were hoarders. My wife immediately went up to stay at her house to help her while I stayed home and watched the cat since I had to work. Last week on Thursday I called my wife and she sounded mentally and physically exhausted. I had to help out and be there for her. I immediately…

So about two weeks ago my wife's girlfriend (R)s mother was sent to the ICU after a bad fall. She has cancer and it's been getting worse. The doctors told her she had maybe a few weeks to 6 months left and that they were gonna put her on at home hospice care. She lives alone with R who is basically her caretaker meaning that R was to handle making the house wheelchair accessible and ready for when her mom comes back. The issue is their house is full of stuff from their grandparents who were hoarders. My wife immediately went up to stay at her house to help her while I stayed home and watched the cat since I had to work.

Last week on Thursday I called my wife and she sounded mentally and physically exhausted. I had to help out and be there for her. I immediately hopped on a train and headed to them.

I ended up having to take a few days off to help but Sunday came and I had to work again so I told my manager the situation. His response was just to call the general manager, he didn't even say sorry thats happening or express sympathy or anything. I copy and pasted my message sent it to the general manager and waited for a response…. nothing, just left on read.

Sunday evening I get the schedule and it's just the same as it usually is. Neither of them give any fucks that I'm needing to be here for my family. They couldn't even spare a human response.

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