
How to get out of my soul-sucking credit card customer service agent job

I have been working a call center customer service representative position for only a month now after two months of training, and my god, I already want to put a bullet through my skull. I thought it would be cool working from home but this job is horrendous. It's not the actual work that sucks, although it is indeed a very mind-numbing job that just has the same exact work process over and over again, it's dealing with pissy and unpleasant customers who treat you like shit which is made even worse from the fact that I couldn't give less of a fuck about helping people with their credit card accounts. I took the job because I was financially strapped, needed income, and have already been getting money from my dear mother, so I guess having SOME employment is good, but jesus christ do I need to get out of…

I have been working a call center customer service representative position for only a month now after two months of training, and my god, I already want to put a bullet through my skull.

I thought it would be cool working from home but this job is horrendous. It's not the actual work that sucks, although it is indeed a very mind-numbing job that just has the same exact work process over and over again, it's dealing with pissy and unpleasant customers who treat you like shit which is made even worse from the fact that I couldn't give less of a fuck about helping people with their credit card accounts.

I took the job because I was financially strapped, needed income, and have already been getting money from my dear mother, so I guess having SOME employment is good, but jesus christ do I need to get out of this position or else I am going to throw myself out of a window.

I would like to find a work-from-home job that doesn't deal with interacting with customers directly if that even exists, otherwise if I do have to go into a place physically I'd like it to not be a servicing type of job, including this position I've worked three service positions, two of which were IT support positions, and I've learned that I really fucking hate those types of jobs and would much prefer doing something where I can work on my own and not deal with customers or be the messenger that is always getting shot, or even helping people and listening to their problems I do not care for..

I have a bachelor's in Business Administration with a background in Information Technology support positions, if that helps any.

What would my 'dream' position be? Something in entertainment with music, film, or comedy, but I'm sure everyone knows you can't exactly go to the 'job store' and just pick out the perfect job you dream of doing, those are pursuits I would have to achieve without making any money in them for a while, and that's a completely different story for another day…

Really I just hate my life situation right now, it truly sucks. Not to mention I got dumped a while back and that has been weighing me down ever since, constantly comparing myself to this person who couldn't give a shit less about what I'm doing, and their life and how well they're doing versus me, which I know isn't a healthy thing to do but that's just where my mind is at right now.

If anyone could help me with advice or guidance I'd greatly appreciate it, thanks for reading.

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