
About to become a manager

Hi all, I'm about to start a management role in a corporate environment (in the UK). I want the people working on my team to be happy and progress in their careers, please could you let me know if there's anything from the below that I'm missing? I'm going to speak to each team member and find out what their aspirations are. If they want to be in the same role, but become an expert in that role, then I'll ensure that they're paid fully for their expertise. If they want to progress professionally, then I want to make sure that they have access to the correct courses and professional exams to enable their progression (exams and courses are company paid), and again paid appropriately. I want the team to be collaborative, we share and promote ideas and concepts for the improvement of the company as one, we all benefit…

Hi all,

I'm about to start a management role in a corporate environment (in the UK). I want the people working on my team to be happy and progress in their careers, please could you let me know if there's anything from the below that I'm missing?

  1. I'm going to speak to each team member and find out what their aspirations are. If they want to be in the same role, but become an expert in that role, then I'll ensure that they're paid fully for their expertise.
  2. If they want to progress professionally, then I want to make sure that they have access to the correct courses and professional exams to enable their progression (exams and courses are company paid), and again paid appropriately.
  3. I want the team to be collaborative, we share and promote ideas and concepts for the improvement of the company as one, we all benefit from us working together.
  4. No unpaid overtime or TOIL that the company can't repay.
  5. No calls or client calls outside of normal hours without recompense.
  6. I will ensure that my team is looked after and appreciated by the directors, as they're the main income generators for the company. I will take any flak from the directors and make sure that my team is looked after and is as happy as they can be in a working environment.

Like I say, these are my ideals, the Directors have said that they like them and this is why they hired me.

I've been in corporate for many years, and have been both treated well and like shit. I want to bring my positive experiences to the team and also help everyone there to do what they want to do.

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