
My Petty Manager

So today was my last day at a miserable place to work. I had been here and been a top performer for almost 4 years and had nothing to show for it. I was passed up on 3 promotions that I was more than qualified for one manager said, “you are overqualified” and others told me to keep working hard and I would go far in the company HAHA. The moments that led up to me leaving were: my manager not having my back when i knew and could prove in writing i was right about something, my manager getting defensive when i criticized how the department ran and how it could be fixed. A HUGE problem with miscommunication and a big side of nepotism i also carried a lot of the weight in my part of the department since management allowed the 2 other employees to disappear for a…

So today was my last day at a miserable place to work. I had been here and been a top performer for almost 4 years and had nothing to show for it. I was passed up on 3 promotions that I was more than qualified for one manager said, “you are overqualified” and others told me to keep working hard and I would go far in the company HAHA.

The moments that led up to me leaving were: my manager not having my back when i knew and could prove in writing i was right about something, my manager getting defensive when i criticized how the department ran and how it could be fixed. A HUGE problem with miscommunication and a big side of nepotism i also carried a lot of the weight in my part of the department since management allowed the 2 other employees to disappear for a few hours at a time. I brought all of this up to my manager who did nothing.

I put in my 2 weeks notice and did as little as possible the entire 2 weeks and my manager (who i spoke to almost daily) did not speak to me until yesterday to tell me to bring in my WFH stuff, and today (my last day) to ask me to stay to do one more task (which takes 20ish mins) 10 minutes before i was scheduled to leave, I left her on read.

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