
I just don’t understand how I’m supposed to find a good job that doesn’t make me want to kill myself

Nothing sounds appealing at all. The things I love to do are playing video games, reading, and hiking. What kind of fucking jobs am I supposed to find for that? Ive gotten plenty of suggestions based on that stuff, but it's always dumb shit like game tester, editor, tour guide, and those jobs aren't actually what I love about my interest, game testers don't actually play games and enjoy them, they just run at walls for 8 hours, editors don't get to read new novels and enjoy them, they read boring financial files and make sure there aren't errors, and tour guides don't get to just walk around and enjoy nature, they have to cart around a group of 30 something white people and talk at them. Nothing else I've looked at sounds appealing. Seriously, just shoot something at me and I guarantee it's going to sound like depressing nothingness…

Nothing sounds appealing at all. The things I love to do are playing video games, reading, and hiking. What kind of fucking jobs am I supposed to find for that? Ive gotten plenty of suggestions based on that stuff, but it's always dumb shit like game tester, editor, tour guide, and those jobs aren't actually what I love about my interest, game testers don't actually play games and enjoy them, they just run at walls for 8 hours, editors don't get to read new novels and enjoy them, they read boring financial files and make sure there aren't errors, and tour guides don't get to just walk around and enjoy nature, they have to cart around a group of 30 something white people and talk at them.

Nothing else I've looked at sounds appealing. Seriously, just shoot something at me and I guarantee it's going to sound like depressing nothingness to me. Most of the time I can barely understand what the fuck a job even is anyways because the listings are so full of business jargon that a dude who literally pushes pencils would be called “Repeated pencil displacement specialist”.

I just wish I could go do some basic shit like dishwashing, or being a farmhand, shit where I just get to focus on my work, put on some music, and then go home and relax, but that kind of shit either doesn't exist these days, or it's nothing but conservatives who wouldn't hire a trans woman anyways.

I just hate this shit, because it's either this or homelessness. It's so fucking stressful and frustrating and I just don't know what to do.

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