
I quit my job yesterday!!

I'm so nervous but I did it finally. They have a policy in the handbook that anything less than 4 weeks notice is considered quitting without notice. So in my resignation letter I specifically cited it and wrote “as a direct result of this policy, consider my termination effective immediately.” My position was kind of a catch all, I troubleshoot literally any issues between all of the clinics whether it be IT, inventory, equipment, maintenance etc. They are up shit creek without me. But that policy is insane! If it counts as no notice if I gave two weeks, then why would I give it at all?

I'm so nervous but I did it finally. They have a policy in the handbook that anything less than 4 weeks notice is considered quitting without notice. So in my resignation letter I specifically cited it and wrote “as a direct result of this policy, consider my termination effective immediately.”
My position was kind of a catch all, I troubleshoot literally any issues between all of the clinics whether it be IT, inventory, equipment, maintenance etc. They are up shit creek without me.
But that policy is insane! If it counts as no notice if I gave two weeks, then why would I give it at all?

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