
On/off the clock discrepancy

Greetings r/antiwork! Im excited to contribute to this community today. After working a half hour past the normal quitting time with absolutely no heads up whatsoever I get into the truck with my boss and we begin our 30 minute drive back to the shop where my day began and my personal vehicle was parked. During this drive I was informed that our commute back to home base from the job site is not to be counted on the payroll. I brought it up to him because I was kind of excited at the opportunity to end up with an hour of overtime between the time worked past normal quitting time and the half hour drive. If I’m not getting payed then its MY time. I would never choose to be within a mile of my boss on my own time let alone stuck in a vehicle with him. This…

Greetings r/antiwork! Im excited to contribute to this community today. After working a half hour past the normal quitting time with absolutely no heads up whatsoever I get into the truck with my boss and we begin our 30 minute drive back to the shop where my day began and my personal vehicle was parked. During this drive I was informed that our commute back to home base from the job site is not to be counted on the payroll.

I brought it up to him because I was kind of excited at the opportunity to end up with an hour of overtime between the time worked past normal quitting time and the half hour drive. If I’m not getting payed then its MY time. I would never choose to be within a mile of my boss on my own time let alone stuck in a vehicle with him. This scenario happens every single week 2-3 times.

I’m pissed off about it because it shouldn’t matter that I’m sitting in the truck doing nothing, I didn’t make that choice. I’m at fucking work and i should be getting fucking payed for this half hour drive. All this is justified of course by the fact that I don’t have to burn gas using my own vehicle to get to and from the job site. I’d love to discuss this with absolutely anybody and get some outside opinions. I feel like im in the right. Despite the low severity of the situation I am getting screwed.

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