
Coworker spilled the tea

Hey! So I put in my two weeks on Wednesday. There were multiple issues I had but mainly my boss wouldn’t work with my school schedule and I felt like my coworkers were being hostile towards me by refusing to take my shifts, gossiping about me, and just being really cold. I’m the only gay person where I work and I’m surrounded by members of a homophobic religion. They have discussed how their religious leaders are so brave for standing up against gay people in front of me and expressed horror at the idea of their kids coming out. So tonight, one of my coworkers who I trust and get along with spilled the tea. They have been gossiping about me since I started working here to my boss and among each other. One lady even calls my boss after every single shift to complain about how awful I am.…

Hey! So I put in my two weeks on Wednesday. There were multiple issues I had but mainly my boss wouldn’t work with my school schedule and I felt like my coworkers were being hostile towards me by refusing to take my shifts, gossiping about me, and just being really cold. I’m the only gay person where I work and I’m surrounded by members of a homophobic religion. They have discussed how their religious leaders are so brave for standing up against gay people in front of me and expressed horror at the idea of their kids coming out.
So tonight, one of my coworkers who I trust and get along with spilled the tea. They have been gossiping about me since I started working here to my boss and among each other. One lady even calls my boss after every single shift to complain about how awful I am. My boss discussed this with my coworker I like and she said she’s never seen any of the things these other women are saying and it’s like they’re talking about someone else. I’ve never been notified that my performance was in question or that any of this was happening.
When I submitted my two weeks, my boss emailed everyone (except me) to notify them of my departure. Apparently everyone just spend the day talking about how awful I am. To me this is completely unacceptable and I am astounded it ran this deep.
So Reddit, what do I do? I’m going to turn in my key tomorrow at the end of my shift (which I’m only working for the money) and then I want to email my boss I will not be returning. How do I do this in a way that won’t throw my good coworker under the bus and shows how poorly my manager is managing her crew to HR? I want to be professional but also send a clear message that this is unacceptable and why they can’t keep people.

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