
Don’t know what to do. Need to vent.

I’m honestly at the point I don’t know what to do. Long story short I started a job back in November, doing what I have done for the past 10 years. Very toxic environment, but it was good money so I went in and did what I had to do. Fast forward to January, because of my employer thinking COVID was a hoax and part of the “dems agenda” I contract COVID for the second time despite being vaccinated and taking protections for myself. I got very sick and recovered but was diagnosed with long COVID. Doctor puts me on disability for a month. Still had some issues but were not as bad as it was. I texted my immediate manager when should I come back, no answer. I email them and get no response for 2 days. Basically a dear John letter saying when am I coming back. Told…

I’m honestly at the point I don’t know what to do. Long story short I started a job back in November, doing what I have done for the past 10 years. Very toxic environment, but it was good money so I went in and did what I had to do. Fast forward to January, because of my employer thinking COVID was a hoax and part of the “dems agenda” I contract COVID for the second time despite being vaccinated and taking protections for myself. I got very sick and recovered but was diagnosed with long COVID. Doctor puts me on disability for a month. Still had some issues but were not as bad as it was. I texted my immediate manager when should I come back, no answer. I email them and get no response for 2 days. Basically a dear John letter saying when am I coming back. Told them ASAP but need some accommodations due to my health issues. Get no response to that. Meanwhile prior to texting and emailing they disabled my work email and access to the intranet. Fast forward to yesterday I find out from my doctor that I have no health insurance anymore. I called the insurance company and they advise me that my employer terminated me.
Like I said this was a toxic place so in all that time I have been looking for work. My wife has health issues so I am the sole wage earner. After applying to at least 200 jobs I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t keep living like this. I honestly feel like giving up at this point. All my cards are maxed, can’t pay any bills. I applied for unemployment and assistance. Employer told them I was no call no show, despite having a paper trail. I’m so fucking depressed and I don’t know what to do at this point.

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