
Fucking over grandma

My place of work has been incredibly short staffed to the point another organization we work with has sent a few of their volunteers to help us out because there aren't enough people left to properly care for patients, clean, and run the clinic. One of the ladies is 75, shows up daily and has expressed interest in working one day a week and volunteering the rest. She's great at patient care. She can't lift them or move them well but the rest of us have been able to bridge that gap while training her and she's been a huge relief because she is able to spend time with the patients so we can actually clean, do paperwork, and catch up on other work that has went to the wayside. While I think it'd be IDEAL to have someone that can do the full scope of the position NO ONE…

My place of work has been incredibly short staffed to the point another organization we work with has sent a few of their volunteers to help us out because there aren't enough people left to properly care for patients, clean, and run the clinic. One of the ladies is 75, shows up daily and has expressed interest in working one day a week and volunteering the rest. She's great at patient care. She can't lift them or move them well but the rest of us have been able to bridge that gap while training her and she's been a huge relief because she is able to spend time with the patients so we can actually clean, do paperwork, and catch up on other work that has went to the wayside.

While I think it'd be IDEAL to have someone that can do the full scope of the position NO ONE is applying for the minimum wage, no benefits, part time position my company is offering. I'm certain the owner/management doesn't want to hire her because she is old and can't lift and has limited availability. She doesn't know this. I tried to gently discourage her from applying by letting her know how much the job entails but I think she hopes they'll work around her limitations because they have no one else(not exactly).

Earlier, I find out the person they have offered the job to repeatedly is now being offered the job AGAIN after not responding to interview requests once and then call no showing her interview last time. She told my boss she tried to call me but couldn't reach anyone. Which may be true because it's been so busy and we are so understaffed we don't always have a receptionist available but there is email and contacting my boss which is apparently something she already can do!
So we can hire a flake but not granny?

I think I'm just salty because I'm so burnt out and ready to leave(if I could find a better job in my area) AND because I'm going to have to be the one to tell her they won't hire her but I guess that's what I signed up for as management's flying monkey so that's my own fault.

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